강의동영상목록(주제 : 미륵불과 메시아 (미륵불, 2015))으로 바로가기



3. Maitreya Buddha(Messiah)




※ Chapter I for Better Understanding
[Trikāya of Dharma-Sambhoga-Nirmāṇa (법보화삼신, 法報化三身)]



All the people have Trikāya such as dharmakāya(법신, 法身, beop-sin), sambhogakāya(보신, 報身, bo-sin), and Nirmānakāya(화신, 化身, hwa-sin). These three kayas mean three bodies.


Various religions such as Catholicism, Christianity, and Buddhism on the ground have great devil sins(신, 神, deities) as evil deities taking seats of religious leaders and have most of priests, pastors, and monks who are great devil sins(대마왕신, 大魔王神), great devils(대마왕, 大魔王), and their devil followers. These religious leaders claim creation because they are afraid of disclosure of their true identities. Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha reveals that all the creatures follow law of evolution and creature partially occurs on the way of evolution process in aspect of cosmic truth.


As the evil deities who have been playing roles of religious leaders firmly exclude the Truth and demand creation in order to hide their true identities, they have made all the people in the whole earth foolish in the universe, have governed their spiritual world, and have maximized their greed and selfishness. With doing these things, the time that they go mad like mad dogs in order to conquest the whole universe is now just before entering into period of Hwu-cheon Universe(후천우주, 後天宇宙).


In this situation, the reality of the truth should be fragmentarily known in order to have this book revealed by Maitreya Buddha understood. For it, trikāya such as dharmakāya(법신, 法身, beop-sin), sambhogakāya(보신, 報身, bo-sin), and Nirmānakāya(화신, 化身, hwa-sin) is going to be first explained in order to make you understood the fact that a star is identified with a human on the way of explanation of Maitreya Buddha’s life journey.


People’s dharmakaya(법신, 法身, beop-sin) are stars in the space and people are called as cheon-ins(천인, 天人) when they have the stars as their dharmakaya. For this reason, a human is identified with a star in the space.


As a human young-hon(영혼, 靈魂, soul and life) and young-sin(영신, 靈身, a soul's body) make a yeum(음. 陰, -) and yang(양, 陽, +) couple, they have its attributes(속성, 屬性) and young-hon(영혼, 靈魂, soul and life), young-sin(영신, 靈身, a soul's body), and attribute become one that enters into mother’s uterus and his attributes are provided nutrients from his mother, forming a human body. The process is well described in law of twelve nidana in Buddhism.(Refer to the book (Revised Edition)Fundamental Tenets of Mahayana Bodhisattva Buddhism- Explanation pursuant to Cosmic Law (Original book name : (개정판) 우주간의 법 해설 대승보살도 기초교리)(3 July 2015)).


The attributes make a human body with six sensory faculties(육근, 六根) such as eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and thought(의,意) and then the attributes are coupled with the physical body according to law of yeum(음, 陰, -) and yang(양, 陽, +). The coupled attribute and physical body are coupled with the young-hon(영혼, 靈魂, soul and life) and young-sin(영신, 靈身, a soul's body) according to law of yang(양, 陽, +) and yeum(음, 陰, -) again. As a result, the young-hon(영혼, 靈魂, soul and life), a main character of a man, has the young-sin(영신, 靈身, a soul's body), the attributes(속성, 屬性), and the physical body, follows law of 1-3, one of cosmic laws, and finally is born as a human with a physical body.


At that time, the young-sin(영신, 靈身, a soul's body) coupled with the young-hon(영혼, 靈魂, soul and life) according to law of yeum(음, 陰, -) and yang(양, 陽, +) is the body of the young-hon(영혼, 靈魂) and is sambhogakāya(보신, 報身, bo-sin) among trikaya of dharmankaya(법신, 法身, beop-sin), sambhogakāya(보신, 報身, bo-sin), nirmānakāya(화신, 化身, hwa-sin). The physical body as a body that three of the young-hon(영혼, 靈魂, soul and life), the young-sin(영신, 靈身, a soul's body) and the attributes(속성, 屬性) become one is called as nirmānakāya(화신, 化身, hwa-sin).


When a human meet the death of of his physical body as his nirmānakāya(화신, 化身, hwa-sin), three of his young-hon(영혼, 靈魂, soul and life), young-sin(영신, 靈身, a soul's body) and attributes(속성, 屬性) become one, which continues repeatedly to be born, die, and be reborn for his evolution. His attributes(속성, 屬性) among these three are let fall and then his young-hon(영혼, 靈魂, soul and life) and young-sin(영신, 靈身, a soul's body) do the yeum(음, 陰, -) and yang(양, 陽, +) couple, making one and having a seat of the core of his star as his dharmakaya(법신, 法身, beop-sin) in the space. It is time that he climbs to the position of cheon-in(천인, 天人, sky+person).


A paleolithic being’s basic root of mind is called as seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮). In the structure of the seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces), six proton-youngs and six electron youngs(영, 靈, souls) form the structure of 6×6 outside of 18 proton youngs(영, 靈, souls) making a center and rotate it. The 18 proton youngs(영, 靈, souls) located in its center is called as a young(영, 靈, soul) and six proton-youngs and six electron youngs(영, 靈, souls) that form the structure of 6×6 outside and rotate around the center are called as a young-sin(영신, 靈身, the soul’s body). The subject coupling the young(영, 靈) with young-sin(영신, 靈身, a soul's body) by yeum(음, 陰, -) and yang(양, 陽, +) is seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) that is a subject for evolution.



Note :A hexa-root jin-gong(진공, 眞空, vaccum-like globes) known as a purusha is combined with a dark matter, resulting in birth of a banya-gong(반야공, 般若空, a prajna-globe) which goes through the process of o-on(오온, 五蘊, five aggregates). Five basic elements such as protons, meson, neutrons, positrons, and electrons are born as the outcome of the process of o-on(오온, 五蘊, five aggregates). The five basic elements are not proton youngs(영, 靈, souls), mesodn youngs(영, 靈, souls), neutron youngs(영, 靈, souls), positron young(영, 靈, souls), and electron youngs(영, 靈, souls) when they are just born after the process of o-on(오온, 五蘊, five aggregates). But they gradually evolve proton youngs(영, 靈, souls), meson youngs(영, 靈, souls), neutron youngs(영, 靈, souls), positron young(영, 靈, souls), and electron youngs(영, 靈, souls).




If 10 numbers of sam-jin(삼진, 三眞, three truth), Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha’s partition, come down into paleolithic beings according to law of 1-3, one of cosmic laws, they who have a seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) evolve into neolithic men and finally become men. Like this, 10 numbers of sam-jin(삼진, 三眞, three truth) such as a antineutron as jin-seong(진성, 眞性, true seong), 3 positrons as jin-myeong(진명, 眞命, true life), and 6 neutrons as jin-jeong(진정, 眞精) add to a seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮) called as a man’s basic root of ma-ewum(마음, 心, mind), getting to be a seong(성, 性) with 40 gungs(궁, 宮).



Table. Location of Sam-jin(삼진, 三眞, Three Truths), Young-hon(영혼, 靈魂, a soul & a life), and Young-sin(영신, 靈身, the soul’s body) in a Human Body
Location of the human bodySam-jin(삼진, 三眞, three truths) or Seong(성, 性)count. number
Rt. BrainYeum(음, 陰, -) of a Jin-seong(진성, 眞性, Trues seong)1(-)A jin-seong(진성, 眞性, True seong) is coupling its yeum(음, 陰, -) part and its yang(양, 陽, +) part in one jin-seong(진성, 眞性, True seong).
Lt. pupilYang(양, 陽, +) of a Jin-seong(진성, 眞性, True seong)1(+)
Rt. pupilJin-myeong(진명, 眞命, True Life) 1
TonsilsJin-myeong(진명, 眞命, True Life)22 numbers of jin-myeong(진명, 眞命, True Life) in the tonsils go to one’s seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮) and are located on the K-shell during inhalation.
HeartYang(양, 陽, +) of Seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮)Yang(양, 陽, +) of one’s young-hon(영혼, 靈魂, a soul and a life) and young-sin(영신, 靈身, the soul’s body)
Yang(양, 陽, +) of Jin-jeong(진정, 眞精, True Essence)6(-1)
Danjeon(단전, 丹田)Yeum(음, 陰, -) of Seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮)Yeum(음, 陰, -) of one’s young-hon(영혼, 靈魂, a soul and a life) and young-sin(영신, 靈身, the soul’s body)
Yeum(음, 陰, -) of Jin-jeong(진정, 眞精, True Essence)6(+)







In the seong(성, 性) with 40 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces), a jin-seong(진성, 眞性, true seong) is divided into yeum(음, 陰, -) and yang(양, 陽, +). The jin-seong(진성, 眞性, true seong) of yeum(음, 陰, -) is placed in the right brain and a jin-seong(진성, 眞性, true seong) of yang(양, 陽, +) is located in the left pupil. One jin-myeongs(진명, 眞命, True Life) among three jin-myeong(진명, 眞命, True Life) is located in the right pupil and two jin-myeongs(진명, 眞命, True Life) in the tonsils in the neck, access to lungs and bronchi and control an inhalation and an exhalation. 6 neutrons as jin-jeong(진정, 眞精, True Essence) is combined to 18 positrons among seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮), which makes a young-hon(영혼, 靈魂, a soul and a life), with being located in the center of the heart. As the young-hon(영혼, 靈魂, a soul and a life) locates in the center of the heart, the young-sin(영신, 靈身, the soul’s body) has a seat outside of the young-hon(영혼, 靈魂, a soul and a life) and has the attribute(속성, 屬性). So three of young-hon(영혼, 靈魂), young-sin(영신, 靈身), and attributes(속성, 屬性) become one with 40 thousand genes and have a human body.


Note :
The word ‘seong(성, 性)’ in Korean language such as Hangeul(한글) and Hanmun(한문, 韓文) is mistranslated to the word ‘sex’ in English. In the word seong(性) written in Hanmun(한문, 韓文) as the ideogram, the word ’seong(性)’ in Hanmun(한문, 韓文) has the meaning of ma-eum(마음, mind) in the word “sim(심, 心, known as clouds of dharma)’ and the meaning of ‘to occur, etc’ in the word ‘saeng(생, 生)’. So the word ‘seong(성, 性)’ means the place that ma-eum(마음, 心) occurs in. Great devils and evil deities committed misusing the word ‘seong(성, 性)’ in order to make people not to know their seong(성, 性).


Table. A Human Structure




To know a human structure and function helps trikāya such as beop-sin(법신, 法身,dharmakāya), bo-sin(보신, 報身, sambhogakāya), and hwa-sin(화신, 化身, Nirmānakāya) to be clearly understood and humans identified with stars to be able to be clearly understood. So additional explanation is given. People who would like to know more details is expected to read and study various Law of Truth written by Maitreya Buddha.


Human PartElementscount. no.Comment
Sam-jin(삼진, 三眞, three truth)Jin-seong(진성, 眞性, True Seong)antineutrons1Seong(성, 性) with 40 gungs(궁, 宮)Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha’s partition
Jin-myeong(진명, 眞命, True Life)positrons3
Jin-jeong(진정, 眞精, True Essence)neutrons6Seong(성, 性) with 36 gungs(궁, 宮)young-hon(영혼, 靈魂, a soul & a life)
An Inner FigureProtonic youngs(영, 靈, souls)protons18Seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮)
Protonic youngs(영, 靈, souls)protons6young-sin(영신, 靈身, a soul’s body)
Electronic youngs(영, 靈, souls)electrons6
A Human’s Whole Physical Body360 Attributes(속성, 屬性)heart
3,600 genes ruled by the attributesYuk-geun(육근, 六根), namely six sensory faculties)
36,000 genes ruled by 3,600 genesA physical body
Total 40,000 numbers of genes in a human’s body