Chapter 5. Upanishads




5.1 Interpretation of Upanishads




On being explained, Samhita explicated Cheon-bu-gyeong(천부경, 天符經) composed of 81 characters, Brahmana explicated Sam-il-sin-go(삼일신고, 三一神誥), and Aranyaka explicated Hwang-je-jung-gyeong(황제중경, 皇帝中經) in Rig Vedas, one of sutras of Brahmanism, and Upanishad was compiled after buddhas and bodhisattvas who realized the contents of Hwang-je-nae-gyeong(황제내경, 皇帝內經) sumitted thesis to Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha in order to receive accreditation of dharma(법, 法, law). Among these Upanishads, it was revealed that Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is a sutra that had been written by Maitreya Buddha who is writing this book. For this reason, it is expected to be deeply understood that some parts of Upanishads which have very close relation with Sam-il-sin-go(삼일신고, 三一神誥) are added with its explanations in order to help you undersand the explanation of Sam-il-sin-go(삼일신고, 三一神誥).




5.1.1 Maitri Upanishad : VI-24



VI-24 in Maitri Upanishad



24. And thus sages have been said elsewhere:
The body is the bow, the Om is the arrow,
and the mind(마음, 心, ma-eum, it is called as cloud of dharma.) is its target. Darkness is mark of its target.
Having cut through the darkness covered with ignorance,
you arrive at the place that is not covered by darkness.
Then having cut through the darkness, your own seong(성, 性) is seen.


He is Brahman.
He will be seen flashing vigorously with light like the sun as if he is like a fire wheel.
He is beyond all darkness,
He shines in the sun over there,
He is in the moon, in the fire, and in the lighting.
And having seen him, he obtains immorality. And thus it has been said:


Sages says,
'Meditation is directed to the highest Being, namely Brahman,
so the external target cannot become the target of meditation.
For this reason, beings cannot be certain and be understood can be certain through meditation.
When the ma-eum(마음, 心, the mind, cloud of dharma) dissolves,
there will be bliss in which the target is not necessary,
which is Brahman (Atman), the immortal, and light itself.
That is the way and is the true world. “The body is the bow, the Om is the arrow,”



In the verses “The body is the bow, the Om is the arrow,”, 'The body is the bow' means that a man with his physical body practise samadhi(삼매, 三昧) and 'the Om is the arrow' means Jin-myeong-gwang(진명광, 眞命光, These three words literally mean true, a life, and a light in order.) named as Om and deep samadhi compared to the arrow. This samadhi of Om is the samadhi that makes you enter the border of Jeok-myeol(적멸, 寂滅). The verses are interpreted as "if he does the deep samadhi to enter the border of Jeok-myeol(적멸, 寂滅, Each of these characters literally mean very calm and to annihilate in order.) when a man with a physical body practise samadhi". “the mind(마음, 心, ma-eum) is its target. Darkness is mark of its target.”



"the mind(마음, 心, ma-eum) is its target." means the fact that its target is the mind. So "the mind is its target. Darkness is the mark of its target." is interpreted. “Having cut through the darkness covered with ignorance,
you arrive at the place that is not covered by darkness.
Then having cut through the darkness, your own seong(성, 性) is seen.”


These verses sings that you will see another yourself, seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces), namely the root basis of the mind, in a your inner figure. “He is Brahman.
He will be seen flashing vigorously with light like the sun as if he is like a fire wheel.
He is beyond all darkness,
He shines in the sun over there,
He is in the moon, in the fire, and in the lighting.
And having seen him, he obtains immorality.”



Brahman in the above verses indicates a seong(성, 性) with 36 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) including 6 neutrons. The action of jin-jeongs(진정, 眞精, true essences) as a member of the seong(성, 性) is shown in the verses 'flashing vigorously with light like the sun as if he is like a fire wheel'. The verses 'He is beyond all darkness.' is expressed because the 6 neutrons, jin-jeongs(진정, 眞精) as a part of the seong(성, 性), is the main character of brightness. The jin-jeongs(진정, 眞精, Each characters in jin-jeong(진정, 眞精) literally means true and essece in order.) as a part of the seong(성, 性) looks like the same as the core of the planet Sun or Moon looks like and it is same in the fire. But the thing in the lighting indicates positrons, jin-myeongs(진명, 眞命. true lives). These actual looking is singing in the verses 'He shines in the sun over there, He is in the moon, in the fire, and in the lighting.'. To see the jin-jeongs(진정, 眞精, true essences) is named as gyeon-seong-seong-bul(견성성불, 見性成佛, Each of these characters literally mean to see, a seong, to accomplish, and a buddha in order.) and is said when someone becomes a bodhisattva with accomplishment of bo-sal-do(보살도, 菩薩道, bodhisattva's way). Someone will enter the immortal level beyond birth and death when he or she becomes a bodhisattva with attaining bo-sal-do(보살도, 菩薩道, bodhisattva's way). The mentioned fact is singing in the verses 'having seen him, he obtains immorality.'. “Sages says,
'Meditation is directed to the highest Being, namely Brahman,
so the external target cannot become the target of meditation.
For this reason, beings cannot be certain and be understood can be certain through meditation.”



Two terms of meditation(명상, 瞑想) and samadhi(삼매, 三昧) have the same meaning but samadhi(삼매, 三昧, sam-mae) is deeper in the intensity of practice than meditation(명상, 瞑想) is. The verses are singing the fact that the external target cannot be the target of samadhi in the practice of the samadhi that looks for another true main character in one's inner figure. The verses are sining the fact that the existence of the jin-jeongs(진정, 眞精, true essences) as a part of the seong(성, 性) can be specified because the existence of the jin-jeongs(진정, 眞精, true essences) as a part of the seong(성, 性) can be realized only through a deep samadhi.


But modern science explains 24 protons of a seong(성, 性) as 24 nucleic acid sequence(염기서열 24계열) in Genome project. This writer precisely explains the fact that the 30 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces), the sum of 24 protons and 6 neutrons named as jin-jeongs(진정, 眞精, true essences) in the seong(성, 性), form a young-che(영체, 靈體). It is clearly said that it is possible only through a deep samadhi now if one intends to see oneself, another main character of one's inner figure. When the ma-eum(마음, 心, the mind, cloud of dharma) dissolves,
there will be bliss in which the target is not necessary,
which is Brahman (Atman), the immortal, and light itself.
That is the way and is the true world.



The main character for human evolution is one's seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces). This seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) is composed of 18 proton youngs(영, 靈, souls or spirits) and its young-sin(영신, 靈身, the soul's body) composed of 6 proton youngs(영, 靈, souls or spirits) and 6 electron youngs(영, 靈, souls or spirits) with its structure of 《6×6》and with rotating around 18 proton youngs(영, 靈, souls or spirits). Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha's partition named as sam-jin(삼진, 三眞, three truths) such as a jing-seong(진성, 眞性, a true seong), three jin-myeongs(진명, 眞命, true lives), and six jin-jeongs(진정, 眞精, true essences) came down to a human body and join to the seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces), resulting in forming the seong(성, 性) with 40 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) when the seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) has a human body.


Note : In the explanation of the seong(성, 性) and Maitreya Buddha and Messiah's teachings, 18 protons, 6 protons, and 6 electrons can be used for 18 proton youngs(영, 靈, souls or spirits), 6 proton youngs(영, 靈, souls or spirits) and 6 electron youngs(영, 靈, souls or spirits). The word 'young(영, 靈)' cannot be attached at the end of protons, electrons, neutrons, postrons, and mesons that are just born as the result of the process of O-on(오온, 五蘊, five aggregates).


The action of the seong(성, 性) is explained shortly next. A jin-seong(진성, 眞性, a true seong) and a jin-myeong(진명, 眞命, a true life) are located in the right brain and the right pupil respectively, forming a couple of yang(양, 陽, +) and yeum(음, 陰, -) while the seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) and 6 jin-jeongs(진정, 眞精, true essences), namely neutrons, form 36 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) called as a young-hon(영혼, 靈魂) and a young-sin(영신, 靈身, a soul's body). The seong(성, 性) with 36 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) are placed in the heart of a human body.


The seong(성, 性) has a specific structure following. 18 protons and 6 neutrons called as jin-jeongs(진정, 眞精, true essences), a part of the seong(성, 性), form 24 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) and are placed in the center of the seong(성, 性). 8 protons leading yuk-geun(육근, 六根, six roots or five sensory faculties and thought) rotate around the 24 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) in an inhalation. At that time, two protons among 8 protons rotating around the 24 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) temporally come from the attributes in an inhalation. Two positrons named as jin-myeongs(진명, 眞命, true lives) came from the tonsils rotate on a K-shell in the out of 8 protons and 6 electrons as lives rotate on a L-shell in the outer of K-shell during an inhalation.


In this structure of the seong(성, 性), a lot of groups of individual electrons that form young-ches(영체, 靈體) in a human body bring information to 6 electrons on L-shell through nervous system and convey the information by running into the 6 electrons on L-shell. Uncoutable fine jeon-ja-gwang(전자광, 電子光, electron lights) evoke on the this process.


Meanwhile, numerous numbers of groups of individual protons in a human body compose blood as types of young-ches(영체, 靈體). Each lump of blood travels around the human body with oxygen that are supplied from the heart. On its travel, it supplies oxygen to each cell in various organs, is supplied with carbon dioxide generated from the bio process, and return to the heart. After its returning, it separates carbon dioxide from it and is supplied with oxygen and travels around a human body again. The separated carbon dioxides run into 24 protons in the seong(성, 性) in order to give information and are expelled in an exhalation. Fine protonic lights (or rays) evoke from the protons that carbon dioxides run into.


The electronic rays and protonic rays are mixed each other, forming clouds like fine foggy clouds in the empty space between L-shell on which 6 electrons rotate and the root of the heart. The formation of clouds like fine foggy clouds are ma-eum(마음, 心, the mind) called as clouds of dharma. The ma-eum(마음, 心, the mind) is composed of layers of minute lights.


The ma-eum(마음, 心, the mind) that occurred in this way influences 6 electrons that play a role of eyes, ears, a nose, a tongue, a body, and thought on L-shell and 6 protons that play a role of a human body among 24 protons in the seong(성, 性), leading to have the man with a human body behaviour. Owing to this interaction, the ma-eum(마음, 心, the mind) can be occurred and cannot be occurred. For this reason, the seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces), the root basis of ma-eum, is named as the main character of evolution.


As this explanation is refered, the explanation of Upanishads is following.


Karma indicates the wrong information entered into 6 electrons that play a role of six roots and the wrong information entered into 24 protons of the seong(성, 性). The real body of karma is dark matters, the major of darkness. Clearance of karma that 6 electrons have is to liqudate the karma through deep repentance pray to Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha. When the karma is liquidated, the electrons as myeong(명, 命, life) get clean. And the karma that 24 protons in the seong(성, 性) have can be liquidated when Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha's truth law keep being learned and samadhi is practised because the information related to wrong karma is forced off only then the information of the truth is entered into protons of the seong(성, 性).


The practice with this principle is Bodhidharma's Li-ip-sa-haeng-ron(理入四行論)


Byword of karma(업, 業) is dark matters that symbolize darkness. 24 protons in the seong(성, 性) can become bright when the darkness is removed. The 6 electrons are changed into 2 neutrons and 4 positrons resulting from a nuclear fusion reaction in the heart with the help of 6 neutrons named as jin-jeongs(진정, 眞精, true essences) when the 6 electrons have the most cleaness and the 24 protons in the seong(성, 性) have the most brightness, which indicates the time that the one become a bodhisattva who achieves bodhisattva way(보살도, 菩薩道, bo-sal-do). The bodhisattva feels unutterable supreme happiness at that moment, which is described as the verses'When the ma-eum(마음, 心, the mind, cloud of dharma) dissolves, there will be bliss in which the target is not necessary,'.

The 2 neutrons and 4 positrons are rotating on the outer shell of jin-jeong(진정, 眞精), a part of the seong(성, 性), and 18 evolved protons as 6 protons are rotating on the K-shell, which is called as seong-ryeong(성령, 性靈), the primary root of bodhisattva's mind(보살심, 菩薩心), and it is named as perfection of wisdom by Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha. The seong-ryeong(성령, 性靈) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) is described as 'which is Brahman (Atman), the immortal,'. Neutrons, positrons, etc are classified in order to help you understand but all these are gongs(공, 空, globes). It is described as the verses'light itself. That is the way and is the true world.'.


Brahman and Atman are placed in a human body together but they get to be divided into Brahman and Atman depending on their evolutionary levels, which will be clarified on progess clearly. In conclusion, VI-24 in Maitri Upanishad is singing the completion of wisdom, a seong-ryeong(성령, 性靈) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) as the primary root of the mind of bodhisattva who achieves the bodhisattva way(보살도, 菩薩道).


It is helpful for you to learn Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha's truth law if the verses in Upanishads are comepletely understood and then meditation is following. Consequently, you have to keep in mind that all the buddhas in the universe will show you the sil-sang(실상, 實相, Tattvasya laksana) of the world and lead you when the truth is learned and one's own samadhi get deeper and deeper.