자료실 - 문서

인터넷 동영상 강의 - "(개정판) 우주간의 법 해설 삼일신고(三一神誥) (미륵불 역, 2015)"
인터넷 동영상 강의 - "(개정판) 우주간의 법 해설 정본(正本) 반야바라밀다심경 (미륵불 역, 2015)"
인터넷 동영상 강의 - "미륵불과 메시아 (미륵불, 2015)"
인터넷 동영상 강의 - "진실된 세계의 역사와 종교 上(미륵불 저, 2015)"
인터넷 동영상 강의 - "미륵부처님께서 밝히시는 잃어버린 진실된 한민족(韓民族)들의 역사(歷史)"
인터넷 동영상 강의 - [긴급강의]"미륵부처님께서 밝히시는 한민족들이 가야만 하는 길(미륵불 저, 2013)"



Evil Axis IV : Some Dynasties in Southeast Asia



Evil Axis IV : Some Dynasties in Southeast Asia(AD400~AD600)



The evi axis composed of the evil deities, the great devil sins(신, 神, deities), were active in Southeast Asia through their repeated samsaras, which is called as Evil Axis IV. The dynasties related to Evil Axis IV are shown below.



① Thaton dynasty(593BC~AD1057) in Burma

② Early Ly dynasty(AD544~AD602) in northern Vietnam

※ The early Ly dynasty was founded by the greatest evil deity Vairocana I as the great great devil sin(신, 神, a deity) and expanded their influence on southeast Asia as well as the mainland China. The great great devil deity Vairocana I was reluctant to let this dynasty disclose. The dynasty existed even after AD602 so Vietnam was a base camp for Evil Axis.

③ Champa dynasty (AD192~AD1832) in the southern Vietnam.