자료실 - 문서

인터넷 동영상 강의 - "(개정판) 우주간의 법 해설 삼일신고(三一神誥) (미륵불 역, 2015)"
인터넷 동영상 강의 - "(개정판) 우주간의 법 해설 정본(正本) 반야바라밀다심경 (미륵불 역, 2015)"
인터넷 동영상 강의 - "미륵불과 메시아 (미륵불, 2015)"
인터넷 동영상 강의 - "진실된 세계의 역사와 종교 上(미륵불 저, 2015)"
인터넷 동영상 강의 - "미륵부처님께서 밝히시는 잃어버린 진실된 한민족(韓民族)들의 역사(歷史)"
인터넷 동영상 강의 - [긴급강의]"미륵부처님께서 밝히시는 한민족들이 가야만 하는 길(미륵불 저, 2013)"



Law of Twelve Nidānas(십이인연법, 十二因緣法, Sip-yi-in-yeon-beop)



Law of Twelve Nidānas(십이인연법, 十二因緣法, Sip-yi-in-yeon-beop)
1. Moo-myeong
(무명, 無明, Avijjā)
: Individual proton youngs(영, 靈, souls or spirits)Subjects of Cause(인, 因) - Each youngs(영, 靈, spirits) of a seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs
2. Haeng
(행, 行, Sankhāra)
: Activities of sam-hap(삼합, 三合)
3. Sik
(식, 識, Viññāna)
: Groups of Al-eum-al-yi(알음알이)
4. Myeong-saek
(명색, 名色, Nāmarūpa)
: Unification of a sperm(myeong(名)) that consists of 4 proton youngs and 2 electron youngs and a ovum, saek(색, 色), that consists of 2 proton youngs and 4 electron youngs.
5. Yuk-yip
(육입, 六入, Salāyatana)
: Combination of a young-sin(영신), a soul’s body, that consists of 6 proton youngs and 6 electron youngs in a woman’s womb, resulting in a seong with 30 gungs.
6. Chok
(촉, 觸, Phassa)
: Contact between tae-eum-su(태음수, 太陰數, tae-eum number) 6 and tae-yang-su(태양수, 太陽數) 9.4 Stages of the moving number 4 (용(用)의 수(數) 4단계)( Interaction between tae-eum-su 6(태음수, 太陰數) and tae-yang-su(태양수, 太陽數) 9)Activities of o-haeng(오행, 五行, The Five Elements)
7. Su
(수, 受, Vedanā)
: Embracement each other.
8. Ae
(애, 愛, Tanhā)
: Loving each other. Active coordination with each other.
9. Chwi
(취, 取, Upādāna)
: Nourishment supplied by the mother.due to active coordination.
10. Yu
(유, 有, Bhava (KammaBhava))
: As a result, building fetus’ physical body. 'Sam-jin(삼진, 三眞) 10' descends from Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha. through the top of the head and settles down in the fetus.
11. Saeng
(생, 生, Jāti)
: Birth
12. No-sa
(노사, 老死, Jarāmarana)
: Aging and Death

Note :
Figure. Law of Twelve Nidānas(십이인연법, 十二因緣法, Sip-yi-in-yeon-beop)