1-3-1의 길
1-3-1의 길은 시계 방향의 회전길로, 순리(順理)를 따르는 길이다. 선천우주 동안의 천(天)과 인(人)의 우주의 길이다.
1-4-1의 길
1-4-1의 길은 시계 반대 방향의 회전길로, 역리(逆理)를 따르는 길이다. 선천우주 동안의 지(地)의 우주의 길이다.
1차 우주 쿠데타
1차 우주 쿠데타는 천일궁(天一宮)에서 일어난 쿠데타로 미륵부처님을 제외한 거의 모든 불보살, 대마왕, 대마왕신들이 가담한 전무후무한 사건이다.
Amitadha buddha(아미타불, 阿彌陀佛) and Gwan-se-eum bosal(관세음보살, 觀世音菩薩, Avalokitesvara bodhisattva) launched the nuclear disintegration of their beop-sins(법신, 法身, dharmakayas) in advance on the characteristics of the early universe, making twins cheon-gungs(천궁, 天宮) of《2×1×2》. On travelling of the twins cheon-gungs(천궁, 天宮) of《2×1×2》, it made the Cygnus constellation. While one of the twins cheon-gungs(천궁, 天宮) gave birth to a sun after it finished the process of il-jeok(일적, 一積). Amitadha buddha(아미타불, 阿彌陀佛) took a seat of the sun and made three stars of his true body(진신, 眞身, jin-sin), finally forming 4 stars of his true body(진신, 眞身) including Alpha Boötis, Gwan-se-eum bosal(관세음보살, 觀世音菩薩, Avalokitesvara bodhisattva) that took a seat in the other cheon-gung of twins cheon-gungs(천궁, 天宮) also finished all the evolution process of il-jeok(일적, 一積) and gave birth to Gwan-eum-gungs(관음궁, 觀音宮) in Boötis constellation.
3-1의 법칙
Three become one.
Seth who murdered his father Amitadha buddha(아미타불, 阿彌陀佛) seized the constellation of《4×3×4》cheon-gung-do(천궁도, 天宮圖) made by Amitadha buddha(아미타불, 阿彌陀佛) and took the seat of the center-point of the constellation with the help of the great devil sin(대마왕신, 大魔王神) Vairocana I and the great devil(대마왕, 大魔王) Dabobul(다보불, 多寶佛, Prabhutaratna buddha) and the constellation went through the process of il-jeok(일적, 一積) and gave birth to a lonely star to north of Alpha Draconis. The lonely star born at that time as Seth’s beop-sin(법신, 法身, dharmakaya) is a criterion for the first year of Common Era.
The constellation of《6×5×6》 Cheon-gung-do(천궁도, 天宮圖) was twins cheon-gungs(천궁, 天宮) so the leading cheon-gung(천궁, 天宮, a paradise) was sat down by Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha while with centering around Prabhutaratna buddha(다보불, 多寶佛), his eldest son Maitreya, Gwan-se-eum bosal(관세음보살, 觀世音菩薩, Avalokitesvara bodhisattva, his second son Munsu bodhisattva(문수보살, 文殊菩薩) sat down in the other twin cheon-gung(천궁, 天宮) after their tal-geop(탈겁, 脫劫, disintegration of the nucleus of one’s star).
1-2 그림자 우주 진화의 길


하늘이 열린다는 의미로, 현대 과학 용어로는 빅뱅으로 알려져 있다. AD2000년으로부터 지구계 시간 기준 120억년 전 또는 우주 전체시간 기준으로는 1,200억년 전에 개천이 일어났다.
가이아 신 1세(Gaia I)
대관세음보살 2세(大觀世音菩薩 二世)로, 암흑의 신으로 알려져 있다. 가이아신 1세는 개천이후에 등장한다. 개천이전에는 원조 가이아 할매가 활동했다.
성(性)을 보면 성불(成佛)한다는 의미로, 성(性)을 보라고 되어 있다. 성(性)이 바로 내면을 이야기하며 이것이 영혼과 영신이다. 영혼과 영신이 마음의 경계 안에 있어 육신은 이를 알지 못한다. 그러므로 그 마음의 경계를 뚫고 지나면 성(性)을 보게 되는 것을 마이뜨리 우파니샤드에서 오움은 화살이고 마음은 과녁이다라고 표현하고 있다. 그런데 이를 마음을 다스리는 쪽으로 현재 수행을 하고 있다. 그 마음인 과녁을 쏘아 맞추면 구멍이 나서 그것을 뚫게 되면 바로 영혼과 영신을 보게 된다는 의미를 담고 있다.
Gong(공, 空, a globe) : beop-gong(법공, 法空), dae-gong(대공, 大空), jin-gongs(진공, 眞空, vaccum-like globes) and ban-ya-gongs(반야공, 般若空, prajna and globes)
서기 2000년을 기준으로 하여 지상에서 문명이 시작된 것이 10만 년 전이다. 10만년 전부터 4만 년전까지 1만년을 주기로 문명이 일어나기고 멸망하기를 6번하였으며 이때 각 문명을 지도하신 부처님들을 과거칠불이라고 한다. 이때의 인간의 체격은 현재 북반구 문명 연장선상에 살고 있는 우리들의 체격보다 3배나 더 컸다.
공양태모법은 북부여에서 시행되었다. 이 법은 석가모니 하나님 부처님 진리의 법에 역행하는 법으로서 진화에 역행하는 방법이다.
관세음보살 1세(觀世音菩薩 1世)
현재 관세음보살로 알려지신 분은 선천우주(先天宇宙) 동안 관세음보살의 지위에 계셨던 대비관세음보살(大悲觀世音菩薩)으로, 구려족(九黎)의 조상이 되신다. 중계의 우주 관세음보살님은 용시관세음보살(龍施觀世音菩薩)님이시다.
The humanization period is divided into two periods such as the first Humanization Period and the second Humanization Period. In precie, the second Humanization period included a civilisation period, being followed by Dynasty Era. So the second humanization period is also expressed as the second humanization and civilisation period.
관세음보살 1세(觀世音菩薩 一世)의 후손으로 한(韓)민족이다.
금강궁(金剛宮)은 진화가 완성된 자들만 들어가는 자리이다. 보살지만 올라가도 금강궁에 들어갈 수 있는 자격을 갖춘다. 금강궁(金剛宮)은 지금(서기 2000년 기준)으로부터 60억 년이 되었을 때 법공의 제로 지점에 위치한 목성, 달, 화성, 지구가 하나의 별로 태어나서 결국 폭발을 하면서 주위의 먼지조차 없애버리고 금강궁으로 탄생된다. 이후 하계의 우주가 들어설 곳으로 법궁의 축이 이동을 하며 금강궁은 진화가 끝날 때까지 법공 제로 지점에 위치하게 된다. 현재로서는 법궁의 축이 목성, 달, 화성, 지구에 내려와 있고, 그 법공의 제로 지점에 와서 진화하는 무리들은 진화가 거의 완성이 된 무리들이다. 이 금강궁은 현재 법공 진화가 6회째인데 처음 만들어지는 것이다. 참고로, 법공 진화 주기는 1회 진화 주기가 10,000억년이며, 이 10,000억년의 법공 진화 주기가 만번 반복될 것이며, 현재는 6회째 법공 진화임을 밝힌다.

Note : Evolution of Stars
Evolution of solid matter includes the evolution of surface of a star following completion of the evolution of a young-che(영체, 靈體) as the core of the star. First, the young-che(영체, 靈體), the core of the star, is born with a human body for his evolution and completes his evolution. After the completion of his evolution as the core of the star(that is called as achievement of sambodhi or a human perfection), the young-che(영체, 靈體) returns to the place of the nucleus of his own star and starts the evolution of the body of his own star. When the body of the star completes its evolution, it is called as accomplishment of samyak.




원천창조주이신 석가모니 하나님 부처님의 우주적 장자로, 지(地)의 우주를 이끌어 왔고, 얼마전에야 비로소 불법(佛法) 일치된 완전한 깨달음의 부처가 되었다. 스키타이의 최고 조상불이시다.
다보불(多寶佛, Prabhutaratna buddha)
석가모니 하나님 부처님의 육신불(肉身佛)
It is known as Gojoseon. Geo-bul-dan(거불단), the 18th and the last han-ung(한웅, 桓熊) of Gu-mak-han-je-guk(구막한제국, 寇莫韓帝國, Gu-mak-han Empire) centered on Han-guk(한국, 韓國) handed over the country to Wanggeom(왕검, 王儉) who changed the nation name Gu-mak-han-je-guk(구막한제국, 寇莫韓帝國, Gu-mak-han Empire) to Dan-gun-jo-seon(단군조선, 檀君朝鮮). The king title in Dan-gun-jo-seon(단군조선, 檀君朝鮮) is dan-gun(단군, 檀君) whom the kings who ruled the country was called as. The meaning of Dan-gun-jo-seon(단군조선, 檀君朝鮮) is included in the book "True World History and Religion I".
대가전연(大迦旃延, Maha-katyayana)
대공(大空)은 법공의 진화 주기에서 팽창기가 시작이 되면서 형성이 되는데, 법공 내 40% 지점에서 형성되며, 그 단면의 둘레는 5,672광년이다.
대관세음보살 1세(大觀世音菩薩 1世)
선천우주의 관세음보살 1세의 딸로 태어난 적이 있으며, 고대 메소포타미아의 우루국 때 대관세음보살 1세께서 아카람두그로 태어나셨을 때가 히브리력의 시작이다.
a great globe, the existent universe, 40 % in the size of the beop-gong.
대마왕은 선악(善惡) 양면성을 근본바탕으로 하였다.
대마왕신(大魔王神)은 악(惡)을 근본바탕으로 하였다.
대세지보살(大勢至菩薩像, Mahasthama-prapta)
대세지보살은 문수보살 1세의 아내였다.
보살불교(菩薩佛敎, Bo-sal-bul-gyo)를 대승(大乘) 불교라하여 이를 대승보살불교라 칭한다.
독각불교에는 상좌부 독각불교, 대중부 독각불교, 당 마왕불교가 해당되며, 우주적으로 진화는 독각불교가 제일 늦다. 대중부 독각불교를 대중부 불교라 부른다.
도시 국가(City-State)
서양에서 칭하는 도시국가가 바로 한국(韓國)에서의 신시(神市)와 같은 의미이다.
달마조사(Bodhidharma)의 리입사행론(理入四行論)은 이입사행론(二入四行論)으로 잘못 알려져 있다.
관세음보살 1세의 육신.
mu-gan-ji-ok(무간지옥, 無間地獄)
It does not have any light. It indicates the dark matter layer in the beop-gong(법공, 法空).
묘법화경(妙法華經, Saddharma-ka Sutra)
묘법연화경(妙法蓮華經) 제호 자체가 불법(佛法) 왜곡이다. 원천창조주이신 석가모니 하나님 부처님께서는 천상에서 묘법화경(妙法華經, Saddharma-ka Sutra)을 설하셨다. The evidence to support the destruction of bul-beop is shown in the title “Saddharma Pundarika Sutra(묘법연화경, 妙法蓮華經)” known as ‘Lotus Sutra’. Lotus(연, 蓮, Pundari) is Gwan-se-eum bosal(관세음보살, 觀世音菩薩, Avalokitesvara bodhisattva)’s emblem. So the evil deity Sakyamoni added the word ‘Pundari(연, 蓮)’ to Myo-beop-hwa-gyeong(묘법화경, 妙法華經, Saddharma-ka Sutra) because he was conscious of Vaidehi(Deity’s name : Gwan-se-eum bo-sal) at the time. The detail story is included in the book ‘True World History and Religion’, ‘(Revised Edition) (Original Version) Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya(or Heart Sutra) - Explanation pursuant to Cosmic Law((개정판) 우주간의 법 해설 정본 반야바라밀다심경(改訂版 正本 般若波羅蜜多心經), etc.
묘음보살(妙音菩薩, Gadgadasvara)
She was born Asa, a king of Judah Kingdom, and was born Moses in her eternal cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. She named Asa in Judah Kingdom slaughtered Germanic peoples, resulting in occurrence of Hitler's holocaust. She planted the cause of genocide to the Germanic peoples, which led to Hitler's holocaust to the Jewish. This example is the law of in-yeon-goa-bo(인연과보, 因緣果報, cause-dependence-result-reward). Originally, she is not a member of Han(한, 韓) peoples who are Sakas, Anglosaxons, Jewish, Israelites, Aryans, etc even though she was once born Asa, Moses, etc. So she was called as a self-proclaimed Jewish when she was born Asa, Moses, etc. Please, refer to Han(한, 韓) peoples
노사나불 2세(盧舍那佛 二世) with Mizar, one of the Plough, as his beop-sin(or dharmakaya)
무상정등정각(無上正等正覺, Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi)
정등(正等, samyak)은 법의 완성을 뜻하며, 정각(正覺, sambodhi)은 불(佛)의 완성을 뜻한다. 정각을 이루었을 때가 아라한 또는 보살도 성취의 보살이 된 때이며, 정등을 이룬 때가 불법(佛法) 일치된 완전한 깨달음의 부처를 이룬 때가 된다. 아뇩다라삼먁삼보리=무상정등정각
He was born with Megres, one of the Plough, as his beop-sin.
문수보살 1세(文殊菩薩 一世)
He was born as the second son of Da-bo-bul(다보불, 多寶佛, Prabhutaratna buddha). He was born Poseidon in Greek myth, Thoth in Egyptian myth, Romulus in Roman Kingdom, Julius Caesar in Roman Republic, etc.
문수보살 2세(文殊菩薩 二世, Mañjuśrī I()
문수보살 2세(文殊菩薩 二世, Bodhisattva Mun-su II)는 문수사리 1세라고도 한다. 사리프타로 잘 알려져 있다.
미륵불은 고대 이집트의 콘수 또는 몬투 신으로 테베 삼신 중의 한분으로 카르나크 대신전에서 숭배된 신으로 여기에서 초기 기독교가 출발이 되었다. 그리스 신화의 헤르메스와 아레스, 수메르 신화의 두무지드, 로마 신화의 마르스 등으로 오셨다. 메시아이신 미륵부처님의 지상에서의 행적 일부를 참고하시기 바란다.
In the word ‘a banya-gong(반야공, 般若空, a prajna-globe’, the word ‘banya(반야, 般若, Prajñā)’ means a dark matter while the word ‘gong(공, 空)’ means an empty globe. A dark matter evolves to a quark while a globe evolves to a glueball.
Bang-deung-gyeong(방등경, 方等經) is made by the Law of yang(양, 陽, +) and yeum(음, 陰, -) coupling such as meanings the characters in sutras have and inherent suri(수리, 數理, numeric logic) that the characters of the sutras hold. The proportion of meanings and suri(수리, 數理) that the characters in the sutras hold is 1 to 3. ). So it indicates interpretative sutras that have explanations of suri(수리, 數理) that the sutras have.
백의관음(白衣觀音, Pāndaravāsinī)
노사나불의 아내이다.
법은 다르마(dharma), 암흑물질이다.
법공(法空) 단면의 둘레는 7,159.547906광년이다. 법공(法空)에 대한 설명은 휴식기 법공도와 진화기 법공도를 참조하시기 바란다.
법공(法空)의 제로 지점
법공(法空)의 제로 지점이란 목성, 달, 화성, 지구를 뜻한다. 이 네 별은 향후 60억년 지나 하나의 별로 태어나서 폭발하면서 먼지를 없애 버리고 다이아몬드 궁전인 금강궁(金剛宮)으로 태어날 것이다. 중계의 우주가 끝나 하계의 우주로 넘어갈 때 중계의 우주에서 진화를 마친 인간 무리들 중에 일부는 법공 제로 지점에 위치한 금강궁(金剛宮)으로 들어가서 지내게 될 것이다.
법공(法空) 진화 주기
법공 진화 주기는 1회 진화 주기가 우주 전체 시간으로 10,000억년이며, 이 10,000억년의 법공 진화 주기가 만번 반복될 것이며, 현재는 6회째 법공 진화이다.
법신(法身, dharmakāya)
a star, one of an inner figure's three bodies. one of trikaya
법보화 삼신(法報化 三身)
It means three bodies such as beop-sin(법신, 法身,dharmakaya), bo-sin(보신, 報身, sambhogakaya), and hwa-sin(화신, 化身, nirmanakaya).
Beop-Bo-Hwa Sam-sin(법보화 삼신, 法報化 三身)
dharmata(법성, 法性, beop-seong)
보물우주(寶物宇宙)는 법공(法空) 바깥에 있는 법공 크기의 60배에 이른다. 최소한 인간 완성(즉, 보살도 성취의 보살 또는 아라한)을 이루어야 갈 수 있는 곳이다.
보살불교(菩薩佛敎)는 진리의 법을 공부를 하는 불교로, 중들에게 의지하는 불교가 아니다. 자기 스스로 진리의 법을 공부하는 불교이다. 즉, 진리(眞理)의 길로 나아가는 불교가 대승보살불교(大乘菩薩佛敎)이다. 보살불교는 대승불교 또는 대승보살불교 등으로도 불린다.
It is also named as Gae-cheon(개천, 開天, open+sky). It took 10 billion years after the ocillation and vibration of the beop-gong(법공, 法空, dharma + a globe) started to open the sky named as Sang-cheon-gung(상천궁, 上天宮) as the yeum(음, 陰, -) of the sky.
불법(佛法) 일치된 완전한 깨달음의 부처
The buddha is said to attain the yeum(음, 陰, -) of jeong-deung(정등, 正等, samyak) as the end of evolution of matter or to accomplish Anuttarā-samyak-saṃbodhi or musang-jeongdeung-jeonggak(무상정등정각, 無上正等正覺).
a buddha who attains a human perfection in bodhisattva-yana(보살승, 菩薩乘). Someone is said to achieve a human perfection, jeong-gak(정각, 正覺, sambodhi), or saṃbodhi when a seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮) is changed into a seong-ryeong(성령, 性靈) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮) in the heart. The arahat or bodhisattva is said to complete his young-che(영체, 靈體)‘s evolution.
It is the ultimate way that people have to go in order to attain anuttarā-samyak-saṃbodhi(or musang-jeongdeung-jeonggak(무상정등정각, 無上正等正覺)) because a samyaksambuddha is the highest rank in bodhisattvayana.
mahayana Buddhism, the most evolved buddhism
a man with a bright star as his or her dharmakaya(법신, 法身, dharma + a body) such as Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, etc and with bul-seong(불성, 佛性) as his or her inner figure. But he does not accomplish completion of dharma called as samyak.
보현보살(普賢菩薩, Samantabhadra)
보현보살은 노사나불(盧舍那佛)의 분신(分身)이다.
In Bodhidharma's li-ip-sa-haeng(리입사행, 理入四行), it is one of sa-haeng(四行, four actions).
본성(本性, prakti)
자성(自性)과 본성(本性, prakti)은 모두 진화의 주인공인 성(性)의 30궁(宮)을 이야기한다. 성(性)의 30궁(宮)은 영혼의 영(靈)과 영신(靈身)을 말한다. 영혼의 영(靈)의 양자영 18으로 되어 있으며, 영신(靈身)은 양자영 6과 전자영 6으로 구성되어 있어서, 총 30개로 이를 30궁이라고 한다. 성의 30궁이 진화를 해서 진화된 양자영 24과 중성자영 2과 양전자영 4으로 진화된 성령의 30궁으로 진화하고 최종 중성자영 20과 양전자영 10으로 진화된 불성의 30궁으로 진화하게 된다.
The word 'bul(불, 佛)' means a buddha and the word 'beop(법, 法)' means dharma or law. So it means a buddha's dharma. But there is a limitation that is a buddha who attain the perfect enlightenment with completion of bul(불, 佛, a buddha) and beop(법, 法, dharma or law).
불성(佛性)은 is known as buddha-nature today. Maitreya Buddha and Messiah does not use the word 'Buddha-nature'. Refer to the figure "Evolutionary Stages of a Man's Inner Figure". Bul-seong(불성, 佛性) in bodhisattva-yana(보살승, 菩薩乘) consists of 20 neutrons and 10 positrons but bul-seong(불성, 佛性) in pratyekabuddha-yana(연각승, 緣覺乘) consists of 10 neutrons and 20 positrons. So a pratyekabuddha needs much more time to attain a perfect buddha with accomplishment of Anuttarā-samyak-saṃbodhi. When a bodhisattva-mahasattva(보살마하살, 菩薩摩訶薩) attains yeum(음, 陰, -) of jeong-deung(정등, 正等, samyak) as the end of evolution of matter, the perfect enlightenment that bul(불, 佛, a buddha) and beop(법, 法, dharma) are in accord with each other, or Anuttarā-samyak-saṃbodhi or musang-jeongdeung-jeonggak(무상정등정각, 無上正等正覺).
연각(緣覺)과 독각(獨覺)을 함께 칭하는 용어이다.
뿌루사는 진공(眞空)을 말한다. 메시아이신 미륵부처님께서는 뿌루사가 진공임을 드러내시고자 진공뿌루사라고 표현하신다. 진공에는 이합(二合)의 세제일법진공(世第一法 眞空)과 삼합(三合)???의 여섯 뿌리 진공 두 종류가 있다.
It is a practice for brighteness of protons in one's seong(성, 性)
법성(法性)의 근본 바탕이선(善)이다. 사선근위는 난법, 정법, 인법, 세제일법의 단계로 법성(法性)의 1-6체계에서 일어난다.
삼일신(三一神)의 가르침으로 해석이 되며, 삼일신(三一神)이 바로 원천창조주이신 석가모니 하나님 부처님이시다.
삼진은 석가모니 하나님 부처님의 나뉨으로 오직 인간만이 받을 수 있다. This is given only to the people who are born with human bodies regardless of the types of their young-sins(영신, 靈身, souls' bodies). Sam-jin is the only difference between paleolithic beings and nelithic men. Paleolithic beings were able to be called as humans as neolithic men after samjin from Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha was implanted into them.
상계의 우주(上界의 宇宙)
There are major three categories of the cosmos such as upper, middle, and lower universes. The upper universe ended and the middle universe has started. People are now in the middle universe(중계의 우주, 中界之宇宙) formed under the upper universe. The lower universe(하계의 우주, 下界之宇宙) will be formed in the place where the upper universe was located after the middle universe ends.
one of two skies during 선천우주(先天宇宙) which the present Polaris is rotating around. It is vaccumized now so it cannot be shown with people's eyes. It had 10 stars for the first time.
석가모니 비로자나 하나님 부처님
Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha is called as Sakyamoni Virojana Hananim Buddha(석가모니 비로자나 하나님 부처님) from the resting phase of beop-gong(법공, 法空, dharma and a globe) to Sa-seon-geun-wi(사선근위, 四善根位,five+goodness+root+stage, that is, five good root stages).
석가모니 하나님 부처님
the only true Creator. A Few Samsara of Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha as the Only True Creator
석가모니 하나님 부처님 분신불(分身佛) I
Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha’s bun-sin-bul(분신불, 分身佛) means buddhas separated from Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha’s body. Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha II, III etc are called as Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha’s bun-sin-bul(분신불, 分身佛).
one of evil deities. An Evil Deity Sakyamuni's some Samsara
There are three major popular methods of seon(禪, Chan or Zen) practice such as Koan practice(간화선, Ganhwaseon), Josaseon(조사선, 祖師禪, or Patriarchal meditation), Shikantaza(묵조선, 默照禪, Mukjoseon) in Han-guk(한국, 韓國). So they are generally known as Gyo-woi-beol-geon(교외별전, 敎外別傳, it is generally known as the esoteric practice methods in Buddhism.) which means the seon(禪) methods practised apart from Buddhism. Maitreya Buddha and Messiah does not accept these seon(禪, Chan or Zen) practices because these seon methods are practised in Devil Buddhism. If you would like to know the right practice, please try to pray to Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha as the only original true Creator for your repentance. Both Samatha and Vipassana are practised in the pray method practised in Bodhisattva Buddhism.
A pure jin-gong(진공, 眞空) called as a se-je-il-beop(세제일법, 世第一法) jin-gong(진공, 眞空, a vaccum-like globe) is divided into each of its yeum(-) and yang(+). The union of the yeum(-) of a sejeilbeop jingong and the yeum(-) of a dark matter results in the yeum(-) of hexa-root jingong while the union of the yeum(-) of a sejeilbeop jingong and the yang(+) of a dark matter results in the yang(+) of hexa-root jingong. In this time, the law of sam-hap(삼합, 三合, a triple bond) applies to the union of the yeum(-) of a sejeilbeop jingong and a dark matter.
It indicates Sakyamoni Virojana Hananim Buddha.
It spanned 22 billion years after the oscillation and vibration of beop-gong(법공, 法空, dharma + a globe) started. In fact, AD2000 was the last year of Seon-cheon universe followed by Hu-cheon universe(후천우주, 後天宇宙).
Refer to the Sin-seon-do(신선도, 神仙道).
Clouds of Dharma, a soul or a spirit, the place that mind occurs, etc.Seong(성, 性)
성(性)의 36궁(宮)
Please, refer to seong(성, 性). In addition, the range of normal body temperature is 36.5℃. 36gung(궁, 宮, palaces) of seong(성, 性) makes heat and the heat runs through the way of 1-3-1 and the way of 4-1 in a physical body. The number 5 is the sum of the numbers 1, 3, and 1 in the way of 1-3-1 and is the sum of the number 4 and the number 1 in the way of 4-1. So the number 36 in seong(성, 性) with 36gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) and the number 5 in the way of 1-3-1 and the way of 4-1 means 36.5. So a human maintains his or her body temperature 36.5℃.
성문불교(聲聞佛敎, Śrāvaka Buddhism)
This is a hinayana Buddhism. Seong-mun-bul-gyo(성문불교, 聲聞佛敎, Śrāvaka Buddhism) is a kind of Buddhism including four steps of Śrāvaka(성문승 4과, 聲聞乘 四果, 4 results depending on enlightenment level in hearers’ cart) known as four stages of enlightenment such as Sotapanna(수다원과), Sakadagami(사다함과), Anāgāmi(아나함과), and finally Arahat(아라한과) in order. Seong-mun-bul-gyo(성문불교, 聲聞佛敎, Śrāvaka Buddhism) aims to arrive Arahat, the ultimate level among 4 results depending on enlightenment in hearers’ cart, that is said to gain buddhahood of the human perfection in his evolution. But the evolutionary level of Seong-mun-bul-gyo(성문불교, 聲聞佛敎, Śrāvaka Buddhism) is 5 billion years later cosmologically than the evolutionary level of Dae-seung-bo-sal-bul-gyo(대승보살불교, 大乘菩薩佛敎, Bodhisattva Buddhism of Mahayana) is.
성문승(聲聞乘, Śrāvakayana)
Seong-mun-seung means groups people who lives with having their own dharmakayas as they follow the way of 4-1 or the way of 3-1 among the evolutionary ways. The highest rank of seong-mun-seung(Sravakayana) is an arahat who attains a perfect human being.
승(乘, yana)
The letter ‘seung(승, 僧)’ is wrongly used instead of the letter ‘seung(승, 乘)’ in Bo-sal-seung(보살승, 菩薩乘, Bodhisattvayana), Seong-mun-seung(성문승, 聲聞乘, Śrāvakayana), and Yeon-gak-seung(연각승, 緣覺乘, Pratyekabuddhayana), which is destruction of bul-beop(불법, 佛法, Buddha and Dharma) by great devils and evil deities. They committed to destroy and distort bul-beop(불법, 佛法, Buddha and Dharma) in order to make people destructed. People who do not know their beopsins(법신, 法身, dharmakaya) in the universe.
실상(實相, Tattvasya laksana)
It is said to be the phenomena people can see and is said to be the laws or dharma unshown in the reality.
Sin-seons(신선, 神仙, Xian or shénxiān) who practise Sin-seon-do(신선도, 神仙道) or believe Seon religion(Zen religion) are said to be called as Yeon-gak(연각, 緣覺, Pratyekabuddha).
Sin-seon-do(신선도, 神仙道) is practice for becoming a sin-seon(신선, 神仙, shénxiān). Please, refer to the problems of sin-seon-do(신선도, 神仙道) as mentioned before. [Translator's note : Zen seems to be similar to this.]
It is known as a City-state in the Western.
A sun has its life span of 10 billion years. In 10 billion years, 5 billion-year period is the period of the yang(양, 陽, +) while another 5 billion-year period is the period of the yeum(음, 陰, -) in its life span. But the sunspot activity due to disintegration of the solar core is active and jin-gong(진공, 眞空) purushas are ejected in the form of stellar wind for 500 million years. So the active solar activity takes 5.5 billion years including 5 billion years as the period of yang(양, 陽, +) and 500 million years as the period of disintergration of the solar core, which is called as 'the period of sip-geo(십거, 十鉅)'. Jin-gong(진공, 眞空) purushas due to disintegration of the solar core are ejected through the rotating ways in the form of stellar wind to the distance of 500 million years, which is included in the period of sip-geo(십거, 十鉅). And then the ejected jin-gong(진공, 眞空) purushas form a cheon-gung(천궁, 天宮, a paradise) of a kerr black hole for 500 million years, being followed by the nucleus of tae-yang-su(태양수, 太陽數) for 1 billion year, a white hole for 1 billion year, Quasar for 1 billion year, and hwang-geum-al-dae-il(황금알대일, a great golden egg-like star) for 1 billion year. These 4.5 billion years is named the period of Il-jecok(일적, 一積, accumulation from one) or the activity period of a cheon-gung(천궁, 天宮, a paradise). On the other hand, the sun that finishes the period of sip-geo(십거, 十鉅) goes through its inner contraction and finally explodes 4.5 billion years after the period of sip-geo ends. The sun is born a white dwarf star, etc.
It is a Devil Buddhism that follows the evolutaionary way against Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha's providence. Maitreya Buddha says on 2 Jan. AD2016, " Zen(선, 禪) is a practice to follow a paradox against the evolution, leading to returning to the starting point of the evolution. In other words, Zen is ultimately a practice to return to the dark matter.". People's inner figures ultimately go back to their starting point of their evolution, dark matters, if they keep the practice of Zen(선, 禪). Their physical bodies follow the way that their inner figures go to.
The sun of Sirius is forming now is Cheon-yee-il universe(천이일 우주, 天二一 宇宙) well known as Sukhāvatī or the Western Paradise(서방극락정토, 西方極樂淨土).
쌍둥이 천왕불 1세, 雙生兒 天王佛 一世)
He is Cheon-wang buddha I(천왕불 1세, 天王佛 一世)’s twin brother. He was named as Allah and Mahomet Mohammed in Islam.
삼합(三合, a triple bond)
a triple bond. Refer to o-on(오온, 五蘊, five aggregates)
아뇩다라삼먁삼보리(阿耨多羅三藐三菩提, Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi)
It means accomplishment of perfect enlightenment that bul(불, 佛, a buddha) is in accord with beop(법, 法, dharma). Samyak indicate a bul(불, 佛, a buddha)'s completion and sambodhi indicates dharma's completion. The position of a bodhisattva with accomplishment of bodhisattva way and a arahat are the time of a bul(불, 佛, a buddha)'s completion. Bodhisattva mahasattva has bul-seong(불성, 佛性, it is wrongly known as buddha nature.) but does not complete his or her own dharma. A bodhisattva mahasattva is called when he or she attains anuttara-samyak=sambodhi.
가이아신 2세이다.
성문승(聲聞乘, Śrāvakayana)에서 최고위로, 인간 완성의 부처를 이루었을 때 아라한이라 불린다. 그래서 아라한이 불법(佛法) 일치된 완전한 깨달음의 부처를 이루기 위해서는 우주간의 법(法)에 들어야 한다. 불법(佛法) 일치된 완전한 깨달음의 부처를 이룬 때가 바로 무상정등정각(無上正等正覺, Anuttara-samyaksambodhi)을 이룬 때이다.
수메르 신화에서 유명한 아라타는 중원대륙에 있는 지금의 운남성(Yunnan, 雲南省)을 말한다.
약왕보살 1세(藥王普薩 一世)
He was once born as a twin of Yag-sang bodhisattva I(약상보살 1세, 藥上菩薩 一世). The twins were once born as Nosana buddha's sons.
약상보살 1세(藥上菩薩 一世)
He was once born as a twin of Bhaisajya-raja I(약왕보살 1세, 藥王普薩 一世, or Yag-wang Bodhisattva I). The twins were once born as Nosana buddha's sons.
약왕보살 1세(藥王普薩 一世)
He was once born as a twin of Yag-sang bodhisattva I(약상보살 1세, 藥上菩薩 一世). The twins were once born as Nosana buddha's sons.
연등불(燃燈佛, Dipamkara buddha)
연등불은 노사나불 3세(노사나불 3세, 盧舍那佛 三世)이다. The great devils Munsu bodhisattva I(문수보살 1세, 文殊菩薩 1世) along with Dipamkara buddha(연등불, 燃燈佛) revolted against Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha.
일월등명불(日月燈明佛, Candra-surya-pradipa buddha)
노사나불(盧舍那佛)과 쌍둥이. 쌍둥이 형제가 아니고 그냥 쌍둥이로 태어남.
연각불교(緣覺佛敎, Pratyekabuddha Buddhism)
It is a Devil Buddhism that goes against evolution.
연각승(緣覺乘, Pratyekabuddhayana)
one of devil Buddhism
용시보살 1세(龍施菩薩 一世)
용시보살 1세(龍施菩薩 一世)께서는 용시(勇施) 보살로 잘못 알려져 있다. 용시보살 1세께서는 후천우주(後天宇宙)의 관세음보살의 지위에 오르셨다. 그래서 명칭이 용시관세음보살님이 되신다.
용시관세음보살(龍施觀世音菩薩)께서는 선천우주(先天宇宙) 동안에는 용시(勇施) 보살로 잘못 알려져 있었던 용시보살 1세(龍施菩薩 一世)이시다. 후천우주(後天宇宙)의 관세음보살님이시다. 참고로, 선천우주 동안의 관세음보살로 계셨던 분은 대비관세음보살로, 메시아이신 미륵부처님의 가르침에서는 관세음보살 또는 관세음보살 1세로 등장하시는 분이다.
It is composed of 18 protons and 6 neutrons. 18 protons that pertains to the young(靈, soul or spirit) in the young-hon(영혼, 靈魂, soul + life) is much more evolved than 6 protons in the young-sin(영신, 靈身, the soul’s body). 6 neutrons pertains to the hon(혼, 魂) in the young-hon(영혼, 靈魂, soul + life)
It is composed of 6 protons and 6 electrons.
young-che(영체, 靈體)
A young-che(영체, 靈體) indicates an inner figure, a soul and the soul's body, that is the main evolving subject in the living creatures. Men is placed in the hightest top of the evolution of young-ches(영체, 靈體).
Yun-geun means six roots such as eyes, ears, a nose, a tongue, a body, and thought.
The word yuk-sin indicates a physical body while the word bul means a buddha. Refer to the young-che(영체, 靈體)'s evolution. A buddha's human body follows the evolutionary way of the young-che(영체, 靈體) and the human body attains the buddhahood, which is called as the buddh's yuk-sin-bul.
It is known as Aratta in Sumerian myth.
원조 가이아 할매
제2회 정본(正本) 반야바라밀다심경 강의 참조. 원조 가이아 할매는 네 번째 법공 주기에 태어났다. 개천이전에 원조 가이아 할매가 비로자나 1세와 함께 석가모니 하나님 부처님께 반역한다. 개천이후에는 가이아 신이 활동한다.
It is a practice for clearness of 6 electrons in one's seong(성, 性). 위빠사나는 선(禪)의 극치, 즉 맑음의 극치로 마음이 맑아지고 맑아지고 그렇게 된다. 올바른 참회기도 방법 등 참조.
예수 그리스도
예수 그리스도는 실존 인물이 아니다. Shadow Vairocana I, Gaia, and Cheon-gwan-pa-gun I(천관파군 1세, 天關破軍 1世) have taken the seat in Christianity in turn in order to rule the spiritual world of people who follow them as their puppets, resulting in their leading them to the destructive way.
음(陰)과 양(陽)의 짝을 흔히 이합(二合)이라고 한다.
A sun has its life span of 10 billion years. In 10 billion years, 5 billion-year period is the period of the yang(양, 陽, +) while another 5 billion-year period is the period of the yeum(음, 陰, -) in its life span. But the sunspot activity due to disintegration of the solar core is active and jin-gong(진공, 眞空) purushas are ejected in the form of stellar wind for 500 million years. So the active solar activity takes 5.5 billion years including 5 billion years as the period of yang(양, 陽, +) and 500 million years as the period of disintergration of the solar core, which is called as 'the period of sip-geo(십거, 十鉅)'. Jin-gong(진공, 眞空) purushas due to disintegration of the solar core are ejected through the rotating ways in the form of stellar wind to the distance of 500 million years, which is included in the period of sip-geo(십거, 十鉅). And then the ejected jin-gong(진공, 眞空) purushas form a cheon-gung(천궁, 天宮, a paradise) of a kerr black hole for 500 million years, being followed by the nucleus of tae-yang-su(태양수, 太陽數) for 1 billion year, a white hole for 1 billion year, Quasar for 1 billion year, and hwang-geum-al-dae-il(황금알대일, a great golden egg-like star) for 1 billion year. These 4.5 billion years is named the period of Il-jeok(일적, 一積, accumulation from one) or the activity period of a cheon-gung(천궁, 天宮, a paradise). On the other hand, the sun that finishes the period of sip-geo(십거, 十鉅) goes through its inner contraction and finally explodes 4.5 billion years after the period of sip-geo ends.
인일일 우주(人一一 宇宙)
석가모니 하나님 부처님의 법신이자 여섯 뿌리 법궁인 목성이 인일일 우주(人一一 宇宙)에서 탄생했다.
인일이 우주(人一二 宇宙)
인이삼 우주(人二三 宇宙)
In-yee-sam woo-ju(인이삼 우주, 人二三 宇宙, In-yee-sam universe) in which Prabhutaratna buddha(다보불, 多寶佛) had a seat of the cheon-gung(천궁, 天宮, a paradise) is Andromeda constellation and the central cheon-gung(천궁, 天宮) is going through the process of hwang-geum-al-dae-il(황금알대일, a huge golden egg-like star), with being expected to become a brilliant sun and make a new solar system 400 million years later. It is a rule that it is temporally disconnected to our solar system changed to Jung-ang-cheon-gung-sang-gung(중앙천궁상궁, 中央天宮上宮) that will be connected to In-yee-sam woo-ju(인이삼 우주, 人二三 宇宙, In-yee-sam universe), the Andromeda constellation, as soon as the race of Jung-ang-cheon-gung-sang-gung(중앙천궁상궁, 中央天宮上宮) starts.
인연과보, 因緣果報, cause-dependence-result-reward)
음양 짝
a double bond. Refer to Table. Types and Changes of a Gong(공, 空, its shape is globe-like.)
음양 분리
Refer to Table. Types and Changes of a Gong(공, 空, its shape is globe-like.)
a double triple bond
육신성(肉身星)은 법신(法身, dharmakaya)과 같은 말이다.
자성(自性, svabhava)
자성(自性)과 본성(本性, prakti)은 모두 진화의 주인공인 성(性)의 30궁(宮)을 이야기한다. 성(性)의 30궁(宮)은 영혼의 영(靈)과 영신(靈身)을 말한다. 영혼의 영(靈)의 양자영 18으로 되어 있으며, 영신(靈身)은 양자영 6과 전자영 6으로 구성되어 있어서, 총 30개로 이를 30궁이라고 한다. 성의 30궁이 진화를 해서 진화된 양자영 24과 중성자영 2과 양전자영 4으로 진화된 성령의 30궁으로 진화하고 최종 중성자영 20과 양전자영 10으로 진화된 불성의 30궁으로 진화하게 된다.
지일(地一)의 태양선(太陽船)
"~~Essencially, all the constellation had to pass through Orion constellation called as Cheon-il-il woo-ju(천일일 우주, 天一一 宇宙, Cheon-il-il Universe) where Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha’s beop-wang-gung(법왕궁, 法王宮, dharma+king+palace) in order to go down to other universes. Maitreya named as Horus was waiting for the time Seth’s passing through Cheon-il-il woo-ju(천일일 우주, 天一一 宇宙, Cheon-il-il Universe) and arrested him, leading to the disintegration of his constellation. Arrested Seth was taken to Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha and was imprisoned for 2 billion years in a dungeon of tae-yang-seon(태양선, 太陽船, a sun-ship) of Ji-il(지일, 地一) run by Nosana-bul(노사나불, 盧舍那佛, Nosana buddha).~~(This is abstracted from Maitreya Buddha and Messiah."
Jeong-myeong literally means a right life. Jeong-myeongs(정명, 正命) indicates positrons born in the planet Jupiter or Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha's dharmakaya(법신, 法身, beop-sin).
It existed before Big Bang. Jeong-myeong-gung(정명궁, 正命宮) existed after Big Bang. Big Bang happened due to the changes in Jeong-myeong-gung(정명궁, 正明宮)
The word ‘jeon-sin(전신, 前身, before + body)’ in Hangeul is births before someone is or was born in samsara.
노사나불의 아내이다.
정토불교(淨土佛敎, Pure Land Buddhism)
It is one of hinayan Buddhism and was led by Amitadha buddha.
중계의 우주(中界의 宇宙)
Jin-myeong(진명, 眞命) literally means a truth life. Jin-myeongs(진명, 眞命) indicates positrons born in the planet Sun or other solar stars in Ji(지, 地, land) Universe. The owner of jin-myeongs(진명, 眞命) is Gwan-se-eum-bo-sal.
It existed before Big Bang. Jeong-myeong-gung(정명궁, 正命宮) existed after Big Bang.
One of sky in Hu-cheon Universe(후천우주, 後天宇宙)
지일이 우주(地一二 宇宙)
Amitadha buddha(아미타불, 阿彌陀佛) later revived in Ji-il-yee Universe(지일이 우주, 地一二 宇宙) after he lived his life of bearing indignity(인욕선인, 忍辱仙人) for 5 billion years from his young-hon(영혼, 靈魂)’s death.
지이삼 우주(地二三 宇宙)
Our solar system is included in Ji-yee-sam universe.
지장보살 1세(地藏菩薩 一世, Ksitigarbha bodhisattva I)
노사나불(盧舍那佛)의 아들이다.
지장보살 2세(地藏菩薩 二世, Ksitigarbha bodhisattva II)
그는 느헤미아, 이순신(李舜臣) 등으로 태어났으며, 윈스턴 처칠로도 태어난 적이 있다.
진화의 길
The evolutionary ways are largely divided into two ways such as clockwise ways and counterclockwise ways. Clockwise evolutionary ways are also called as the way of 1-3-1 while counterclockwise evolutionary ways are also called as the way of 1-4-1.
The first death to human is his physical death. The second death is the death of the core subjects to evolve after his physical death, which is simply named as young-hon’s death. When young-hon’s death is called, the young-hon(영혼, 靈魂) generally means both of his young-hon(영혼, 靈魂, soul+life) and young-sin(영신, 靈身, soul’s body).
중계의 우주(中界之宇宙)
There are major three categories of the cosmos such as upper, middle, and lower universes. The upper universe ended and the middle universe has started. People are now in the middle universe(중계의 우주, 中界之宇宙) formed under the upper universe. The lower universe(하계의 우주, 下界之宇宙) will be formed in the place where the upper universe was located after the middle universe ends.
Tathata(진여, 眞如, Jin-yeo)
It means Sam-jin(삼진, 三眞, Three Truths) or hexa-root jin-gongs(진공, 眞空, vaccum-like globes) or Yang(양, 陽, +) of Jin-myeong-gwang(진명광, 眞命光) and Yang(양, 陽, +) of Jin-seong-gwang(진성광, 眞性光).
Logics of numbers. Please refer to the word 'seong(성, 性) with 36gungs(궁, 宮, palaces)' as an example of Cheon-bu-su-ri(천부수리, 天符數理, Cheon-bu mathematics).
천관파군 1세(天關破軍 1世)
천관파군 1세는 그림자 비로자나 1세와 가이아신 1세 사이에서 처음 태어났다. 그는 한때 노사나불에게서 태어난 적이 있었다. 천관파군 1세는 천관파군 2세인 이오신과 함께 역사왜곡의 전문가들이다. 삼국유사의 저자 일연이 바로 천관파군 1세이다. 그들의 행적을 참고하시기 바란다.
천관파군 2세(天關破軍 二世)
천관파군 2세는 이오신 1세로, 에즈라, 키케로, 아리스토부루스 4세 왕자, 대야고보, 삼국사기의 저자 김부식 등으로 태어났다.
It is the yang(양, 陽, +) of sky in seon-cheon-woo-ju(선천우주, 先天宇宙, Seon-cheon Universe) with 10 stars including the Little Bear, a disappeared star located between Thuban and γ UMi, and Thuban. The disappeared star formed the basis of the universe as an electron star.
천일일 우주(天一一 宇宙)
The constellation includes Orion constellation, etc. There is Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha’s dharma palace(법궁, 法宮, a beop-gung).
천일우주(天一宇宙) 100의 궁(宮)
It is sometimes called as the heaven. It has 9 constellations including Cheon-il-gung(천일궁, 天一宮)
a man who lives with a star as his dharmakaya(법신, 法身) for the purpose of its evolution. Refer to Yuk-do(육도, 六道, six gati).
the evolutionary way for people living with stars as their dharmakaya)
An appellation for buddhas or bodhisattvas when they descend from heaven on the ground with human bodies and rule people as leaders.
천왕불 1세(天王佛 1世)
천왕불은 노사나불의 아들로, 마호메트, 알라 등으로 불린 쌍둥이 천왕불과는 쌍둥이 형제다.
천이일 우주(天二一 宇宙)
지금 형성되고 있는 시리우스(Sirius) 태양성은 서방극락정토(西方極樂淨土)로 잘 알려진 천이일 우주(天二一 宇宙)이다.
천이삼 우주(天二三 宇宙)
아미타불의 우주였다.
암흑물질이 쿼크로 진화한다.
It means disintegration of the nucleus of one’s star
팔정도(八正道, āryāṣṭāṅgamārga)
정견(正見), 정사유(正思惟), 정어(正語), 정업(正業), 정명(正命), 정정진(正精進), 정념(正念), 정정(正定). 대승보살도를 참고하시기 바란다.
하계의 우주(下界之宇宙)
There are major three categories of the cosmos such as upper, middle, and lower universes. The upper universe ended and the middle universe has started. People are now in the middle universe(중계의 우주, 中界之宇宙) formed under the upper universe. The lower universe(하계의 우주, 下界之宇宙) will be formed in the place where the upper universe was located after the middle universe ends.
표. 화엄 52위(華嚴 52位 or 菩薩之修行階位 52位, 52 Stages of Avatamsaka)를 참고하시기 바란다.
브라만교(바라문교)에 자연사상이 가미된 것이 힌두교이다. 그리스 자연사상이 지(地)의 우주 길을 따르는 사상으로 마왕 사상이다.
Hangeul is originated from Ga-rim-to-mun-ja(가림토문자, 加臨土文字) as a phonogram and Ga-rim-to-mun-ja(가림토문자, 加臨土文字) was founded by Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha in the first nation for Han(한, 韓) peoples .
It was the first country for Han(한, 韓) peoples in the northern hemisphere civilisation(7200BC~AD2000) and spanned from 7200BC to around 6000BC. The axis of Han-guk(한국, 桓國) moved to Dilmun(배달국, Bae-dal-guk) that spanned from 6000BC to 4000BC in the area known as Taklamakan Desert.
It was an antique name of a country for Han(한, 韓) peoples and spanned from 3898BC to 2333BC.
Hanmun(한문, 韓文) is wrongly known as Classical Chinese(한문, 漢文). The Hanmun(한문, 韓文) is originated from Nok-do-mun-ja(녹도문자) as the first writing system and was founded for Han(한, 韓) peoples by Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha named as Han-ung(한웅, 桓熊) Taewuwi(태우의)(r. 3512BC~3419BC), the 5th hanung of Gu-mak-han Empire(구막한제국, 寇莫韓帝國).
An appellation for a king in Han-guk(한국, 桓國), the first nation for Han(한, 韓) peoples in the northern hemisphere civilisation.
Han(한, 韓) peoples have yeum(음, 陰, -) and yang(양, 陽, +) of Han(한, 韓) peoples. The yeum(음, 陰, -) of Han(한, 韓) peoples include bear race(곰족, 熊族), Guryo(구려, 九黎) race, Scythian, etc. There are Anglos, Saka or Shakya, Aryans, Sumerians, Berber people, Pyu people, Jewish, Israelites, etc in the bear race(곰족, 熊族). Guryo(구려, 九黎) race includes Arakanese, Miao people, Shan people, etc and Scythian includes Saxsons, Scotland people, etc. The yang(양, 陽, +) of Han(한, 韓) peoples include Japanese, Germanic peoples, Italians, Mogolians, etc.
An appellation for a king in Gu-mak-han empire(구막한제국, 寇莫韓帝國) centered on han-guk(한국, 韓國) from 3898BC to 2333BC.
Affliction in hells on the law of samsara should be understood. Hells are largely divided into two hells such as yu-gan hell(유간지옥, 有間地獄) within dae-gong(대공, 大空) and mu-gan hell(무간지옥, 無間地獄) outside of dae-gong(대공, 大空). The details are in the book "Maitreya Buddha and Messiah".
진공, 眞空, vaccum-like globes)
A hexa-root jing-gong has two types such as the yeum(음, 陰, -) of a hexa-root jin-gong(진공, 眞空, a vaccum-like globe) and the yang(양, 陽, +) of a hexa-root jin-gong(진공, 眞空, a vaccum-like globe). A purusha is used for jin-gongs such as a se-je-il-beop jin-gong(세제일법진공, 世第一法之眞空) and a hexa-root jin-gong(진공, 眞空, a vaccum-like globe).
한단불교, 桓檀佛敎, Han-dan Buddhism)
It was founded in 3512BC by the Han-wung(한웅, 桓熊) Tae-wu-wi(태우의, r.3512BC to 3419BC, His real name in the immortals’ world is Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha), the 5th Han-wung(한웅, 桓熊) of Gu-mak-han-je-guk(구막한제국, 寇莫韓帝國, Gu-mak-han empire).
후천우주, 後天宇宙, hu-cheon universe)
To start run of Jung-ang-cheon-gung-sang-gung(중앙천궁상궁, 中央天宮上宮) is the end of civilsation and the starting point of hu-cheon-woo-ju(후천우주, 後天宇宙, hu-cheon universe)
An appellation only for Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha when he descended from heaven with a human body and rules people. it is translated as an emperor in general, but there is another emperor cheon-je(천제, 天帝)
The word ‘hwu-sin(후신, 後身, after + body)’ in Hangeul is births after someone was born in samsara.